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Tips for solving : Returned solution is not converged.?

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Failed to find a solution.
The relative error (14) is greater than the relative tolerance.
Returned solution is not converged.

Is it physics dependant? or are there general tips to resolve this error. Weird enough- i tried to solve this model...sometimes it solves without any changes (i was attempting frequency domain study for PZD and Acoustic physics) while at other times it does not and gives this error.

Please please reply with your comsoling experience!
Lets create a error vs solution database here with our combined experience.


2 Replies Last Post 2012/07/16 15:04 GMT-4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012/07/16 14:38 GMT-4

check the knowledge base (KB) on the main site, my experiences are thigs like too coarse mesh, or initial solutions too far from final results, poor solver stepping settings ...
No unique reason from my knowledge, but its usefull to investigate a little to learn what drives the errro so you can avoid it next time

Good luck
Hi check the knowledge base (KB) on the main site, my experiences are thigs like too coarse mesh, or initial solutions too far from final results, poor solver stepping settings ... No unique reason from my knowledge, but its usefull to investigate a little to learn what drives the errro so you can avoid it next time -- Good luck Ivar

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012/07/16 15:04 GMT-4


check the knowledge base (KB) on the main site, my experiences are thigs like too coarse mesh, or initial solutions too far from final results, poor solver stepping settings ...
No unique reason from my knowledge, but its usefull to investigate a little to learn what drives the errro so you can avoid it next time

Good luck

thanks Ivar. i would check and keep updating!
[QUOTE] Hi check the knowledge base (KB) on the main site, my experiences are thigs like too coarse mesh, or initial solutions too far from final results, poor solver stepping settings ... No unique reason from my knowledge, but its usefull to investigate a little to learn what drives the errro so you can avoid it next time -- Good luck Ivar [/QUOTE] thanks Ivar. i would check and keep updating!

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