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Microfluidics Modulex

Transport in an Electrokinetic Valve

This application presents an example of pressure driven flow and electrophoresis in a 3D micro channel system. Researchers often use a device similar to the one in this model as an electrokinetic sample injector in biochips to obtain well-defined sample volumes of dissociated acids and ... 詳細を見る

Rotating Channel

A lab-on-a-chip platform can be realized on a rotating disc by designing channels and other features to use the Coriolis or centrifugal forces to manipulate the flow. These forces are controlled by changing the angular velocity of the disc, so the platform is programmed by using a ... 詳細を見る

Acoustic Trap in Glass Capillary with Bias Flow

A 3D model of an acoustic trap in a glass capillary with a bias flow through the capillary. The acoustics is actuated by an oscillating electric potential across a piezoelectric transducer, inducing mechanical vibrations in the solid, and an acoustic pressure field in the fluid. The heat ... 詳細を見る

Optimizing Band Dispersion in an Electroosmotic Flow Through a Curved Microchannel

This model studies the dispersion of neutral species band through curved microchannel in an Electroosmotic flow (EOF) . Using Optimization module, geometric optimization is carried out to minimize the curve-induced dispersion.The central idea is to parametrically represent the geometry ... 詳細を見る

Shape Optimization of a 3D Tesla Microvalve

Tesla microvalves exploit the non-linear nature of inertial flow to create anisotropic flow resistance. They can be used as robust valves owing to their passive working mechanism, but for many applications the diodicity is too low. Two-dimensional simulations and optimization over ... 詳細を見る

Slip Flow Benchmark

This model is a benchmark model for the Slip Flow interface. It is based on both analytic and numeric calculations. Air at atmospheric pressure flows through a conducting micro-channel connecting two reservoirs maintained at different temperatures. A flow between the two reservoirs ... 詳細を見る

Split and Recombine Mixer Benchmark

This example models a split-and-recombine mixer channel in which a tracer fluid is introduced and mixed by multilamination. Diffusion is removed from the model using an extremely low diffusion coefficient so that any numerical diffusion can be studied in the lamination interfaces. The ... 詳細を見る

Opto-Acoustophoretic Effect in an Acoustofluidic Trap

Opto-acoustophoresis is a term used to describe the interplay between acoustics and optical fields. In most cases (including this) the optical field is heating up the material and therefore affecting the acoustic field. In this example of an acoustic trap a set of particle are trapped ... 詳細を見る

Spinodal Decomposition Benchmark

Many important processes in the mesoscale can be described by phase-field models. One of the oldest phase-field problems is the spinodal decomposition. Several standardized benchmark problems have been developed by the phase-field community. In this entry, these problems are solved using ... 詳細を見る

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