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Optimization Modulex

Wheel Rim — Stress Optimization with Fatigue Evaluation

Shape optimization with respect to fatigue properties is not supported, but fatigue properties are well correlated with the maximum stress. The model demonstrates how optimization with respect to a p-norm of the von Mises stress can be used to improve fatigue properties without ... 詳細を見る

Topology Optimization of a Torsion Sphere with Milling Constraints

Topology optimization is associated with extreme design freedom which can yield extreme performance. The designs can be easier to manufacture by using milling constraints, at some cost to the performance. This example considers the case of a torsion sphere which is known to feature a ... 詳細を見る

Shape Optimization of a Capacitor Design

This example exemplifies how to optimize the design of a capacitor through optimization. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Changing the Dimensions of a Model Using Shape Optimization". 詳細を見る

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