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Modeling the Forces in a Bicycle Rim

Bicycle wheels are laced tangentially if they are intended to be used with disc brakes, because a radial pattern gives rise to larger forces in the rim. Otherwise, these rim forces are largely independent of the braking force. 詳細を見る

Golf Ball Trajectory

This model is used in the blog post "Why Do Golf Balls Have Dimples?". The trajectory of a golf ball is compared to the trajectory of a smooth ball using the Events interface and a system of ODEs in a 0D component. 詳細を見る

Geometric Parameter Optimization of a Bracket

This tutorial minimizes the mass of a bracket that is synchronized from PTC® Creo® Parametric™ via the LiveLink™ interface. There are limits both for the lowest natural frequency, and for the maximum stress in a static load case. The size and position for a number of geometrical ... 詳細を見る

Mechanical Precession for the Axle of a Bicycle Pedal

Mechanical precession prevents bicycle pedals from falling off. The model captures this effect using a multibody dynamics simulation together with a contact analysis. A friction coefficient is associated with the contact in order for the model to capture the effect. 詳細を見る

Geometric Parameter Optimization of a Bracket

This example minimizes the mass of a bracket that is synchronized from Inventor® via the LiveLink™ interface. There are limits both for the lowest natural frequency, and for the maximum stress in a static load case. The size and position for a number of geometrical features is changed ... 詳細を見る

Micromechanical Model of a Composite with Temperature-Dependent Material Properties

The homogenized material properties of a composite are computed based on the temperature-dependent properties of matrix and fiber. The homogenized parameters are compared to the analytical values derived from the rule of mixtures. This is an extension of model https://www.comsol.com ... 詳細を見る

Job Sequences to Save Data After Solving a Model

These examples demonstrate how to use a job sequence to perform a programmatic sequence of operations, including solving; saving the model to file; and generating and exporting plot groups, results, and images. In the blog post associated with these files, "How to Use Job Sequences to ... 詳細を見る

Geometric Parameter Optimization of a Bracket

This tutorial minimizes the mass of a bracket that is synchronized from Solid Edge® via the LiveLink™ interface. There are limits both for the lowest natural frequency, and for the maximum stress in a static load case. The size and position for a number of geometrical features is ... 詳細を見る

User-Defined License Agreement in an Application

This example of a simulation application shows how to add a user-defined license agreement, which you can use to protect applications that you publish and distribute. 詳細を見る

Shape Optimization of a Capacitor Design

This example exemplifies how to optimize the design of a capacitor through optimization. A more detailed description of the phenomenon and the modeling process can be seen in the blog post "Changing the Dimensions of a Model Using Shape Optimization". 詳細を見る