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constraints in structural module

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I try to apply constrint in structural module

I make rectengular shaped model in 2D and applied the prescribed displacement.

and I want to stop when the stress or reaction force reached specific value.

how can I impose the constraints?

thankt you

1 Reply Last Post 2018/11/23 11:14 GMT-5
Henrik Sönnerlind COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 6 years ago 2018/11/23 11:14 GMT-5


If you want to terminate an analysis once a certain value is reached, you can add a Stop Condition node under the Parametric node in the solver sequence. As stop expression you can use any global value, for example computed by a max or integration operator.


Henrik Sönnerlind
Hi, If you want to terminate an analysis once a certain value is reached, you can add a **Stop Condition** node under the **Parametric** node in the solver sequence. As stop expression you can use any global value, for example computed by a max or integration operator. Regards, Henrik

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