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Hi everyone,
When I run my Javacode and have a Task running within a ProgressWorker the progressUpdated-Methode of the ProgressContext Class is updated only a very frew time. The Problem ist the progressbar-steps are quite big in comparison to the Comsol-GUI. So is there a way to actively ask for the status of calculation?


1 Reply Last Post 2012/08/09 6:06 GMT-4

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012/08/09 6:06 GMT-4
By now it seems Comsol itself use the passive information generated by the solver and do not activly ask for the status. Instead they animate the progressbar.
By now it seems Comsol itself use the passive information generated by the solver and do not activly ask for the status. Instead they animate the progressbar.

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