Coupling semiconductor and electrostatics physics in different domains

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Hi. I am trying to simulate MOSFET with ferroelectric gate using Semiconductor Module. I am using semiconductor physics to simulate semiconductor part, but I need to use my own electrostatics equations (created with General form PDE) to interface with LGD (Landau-Ginzburg-Devonshire) equation in ferroelectric (dielectric) insulator part. How do I interface or couple semi with electrostatics? I need to couple electric potential from ferroelectric domain (with electrostatics equation) with semiconductor domain (with semi equation).

I tried many different setups. I think its something trivial that I am just missing. Any boundary condition? Making the semi and electrostatics with the same dependant variable (field name)?

I am sending my mph file, if anyone wants to looks at my model. I am thankfull for everyone who tries to help.

0 Replies Last Post 2024/04/27 10:12 GMT-4
COMSOL Moderator

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