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MEMS Modulex

Prestressed Micromirror Vibrations: Thermoviscous–Thermoelasticity Coupling

This model analyzes the operation of a micromirror in air and the effects of thermoviscous damping on the vibration response. The model includes thermal losses in the structure as well as thermoviscous acoustic phenomena. The model couples the Thermoelasticity multiphysics interface to ... 詳細を見る

Adhesion and Decohesion of Indenting Ball

A steel ball is pressed down against a rubber membrane. When the contact pressure exceeds a certain value, the two parts start sticking together. When the ball is retracted, the membrane is pulled upwards in the bonded region. During the retraction, the bond is partially broken. This ... 詳細を見る

Hysteresis in Piezoelectric Ceramics

Many piezoelectric materials are ferroelectric. Ferroelectric materials exhibit nonlinear polarization behavior, such as hysteresis and saturation at large applied electric fields. In addition, the polarization and mechanical deformations in such materials can be strongly coupled due to ... 詳細を見る

Prestressed Micromirror

One method of creating spring-like structures or inducing curvature in thin structures is to plate them to substrates that are under the influence of residual stresses. The plating process can control this stress even for similar materials. One such device is the electrostatically ... 詳細を見る

Electrostatic Speaker Driver

This tutorial demonstrates a full electro-vibroacoustic analysis of a conceptual electrostatic speaker driver, composed of thin conducting plastic diaphragm residing between two perforated metal sheets called grids or stators. When an audio signal is applied to the grids (out of phase), ... 詳細を見る

Solidly Mounted Resonator 2D

A solidly-mounted resonator (SMR) is a piezoelectric MEMS resonator formed on top of an acoustic mirror stack deposited on a thick substrate. This tutorial shows how to simulate an SMR in 2D. In this example, the eigenmodes were computed and the frequency response from 500 to 1200 MHz ... 詳細を見る

Electrostatic Chuck

This models pressure-dependent heating of 4 inch wafer on unipolar electrostatic chuck. Wafer sits on top of ring with electrostatic force holdong down wafer to counter upward pressure from gas flowing in gap between wafer and chuck surface. It is a problem involving 4 coupled physics ... 詳細を見る

Zernike Polynomial Fitting of a Deformed Surface

This tutorial shows how the displacement field of a deformed surface can be fit to a Zernike polynomial basis. The method of linear least-squares fitting is made significantly easier when fitting to an orthonormal basis, such as the Zernike polynomials on a circle. The displacement ... 詳細を見る

Thermoelectric Cooler, Lumped Thermal System

Thermoelectric coolers are widely used for electronics cooling in various application areas, ranging from consumer products to spacecraft design. The thermoelectric modules are a common application of thermoelectricity in cooling engineering. They consist of several thermoelectric legs ... 詳細を見る

Electromagnetic Force Calculation Using Virtual Work and Maxwell Stress Tensor

The model compare the electromagnetic force calculated by virtual work and maxwell stress tensor methods on the axial magnetic bearing. The forces is evaluated by studying the effect of a small displacement on the electromagnetic energy of the system. This is done by using the Magnetic ... 詳細を見る