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Scattered-Field Formulation for Elastic Waves

This model showcases how to solve for the scattered field when knowing the incident field for three different types of scatterer, i.e. an infinitely rigid one, a cavity and an elastic inclusion. This formulation can be useful when the scatterer is in the far-field of the source, such ... 詳細を見る

Torsion of an Isotropic Cosserat Elastic Cylinder

In this example, it is demonstrated how to extend the built-in linear elastic material model to a Cosserat material through the addition of microrotation degrees of freedom. A cylindrical bar under pure torsion is analyzed and the effect of the Cosserat length scale parameter on the ... 詳細を見る

Interpolating Material Data on a Regular Shape as an Alternative to Building an Irregular Geometry

Creating irregular geometries can be a good solution, even the only option, for some types of applications. These files present a way to use a text file with material properties defined in coordinates to assign different materials even though there is only one regular domain. The same ... 詳細を見る

Self-Consistent Schrödinger–Poisson Results for a GaAs Nanowire

This benchmark model simulates a GaAs nanowire using the self-consistent Schrödinger-Poisson theory to compute the electron density and the confining potential profiles. The predefined Schrödinger-Poisson multiphysics coupling feature is combined with the dedicated Schrödinger-Poisson ... 詳細を見る

Inflation of a Square Hyperelastic Airbag

A square airbag made of a hyperelastic, compressible neo-Hookean material is inflated using pressurized air. Compressive stresses trigger wrinkling in some regions of the thin airbag. In this example, the wrinkling behavior is modeled using tension field theory, which gives a correct ... 詳細を見る

Cross Grating Échelle Spectrograph

This tutorial demonstrate the use of a Cross Grating feature in an échelle spectrograph. A cross grating is a periodic surface with two directions of periodicity. In this model the cross grating is used in high order in one direction and in first order in the orthogonal ("cross") ... 詳細を見る

Uncertainty Quantification of a Bracket — Fillet Version

This example demonstrates how to use the Uncertainty Quantification Module by running a series of uncertainty quantification studies for a steel bracket. This type of bracket can be used to install an actuator that is mounted on a pin placed between the two holes in the bracket arms. ... 詳細を見る

Bracket — Eigenfrequency Shape Optimization

In his example, the lowest natural frequency of a 3D bracket are maximized using shape optimization. 詳細を見る

Single-Bit Hologram

When two coherent light beams intersect, an interference pattern appears. If this occurs in a material that is sensitive to light, with intensities greater than a certain exposure threshold, the interference pattern is recorded in the material as a modulation of the refractive index and ... 詳細を見る

Thin Layer Chronoamperometry

The common electroanalytical method of exhaustive amperometric detection in a microscopic thin layer is modelled as a 1D-symmetric diffusion problem. The simulated result agrees with the analytical Cottrell equation at short times, and deviates as expected at long times when the ... 詳細を見る