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Dispersion Curves for a Fluid-Filled Elastic Pipe

The dispersion curves for a fluid-filled pipe with elastic walls are computed and compared with the analytical results for a pure elastic and an acoustic waveguide, respectively. Results show good agreement and also provide insight into the dynamics of the fluid-filled pipe at low and ... 詳細を見る

Modeling of Moving Loads

In COMSOL Multiphysics®, you can easily define moving loads and constraints. These three models demonstrate three different approaches for modeling moving loads in the COMSOL® software, including: A user-defined expression A text file of positions over time An imported ... 詳細を見る

Secondary Current Distribution in a Zinc Electrowinning Cell

This is a model of the secondary current distribution in a zinc electrowinning cell. The model investigates the impact on the current distribution when changing the electrode alignment in a parametric study. The geometry is in 2D. 詳細を見る

Head and Torso HRTF Computation

This tutorial model shows how to import a 3D scanned geometry of a human head and torso and compute the head related transfer function (HRTF). The scan is imported as a .stl file and converted into a COMSOL geometry. The HRTF is computed using the reciprocity principle, locating the ... 詳細を見る

An SMA Connector on a Grounded Coplanar Waveguide

SMA connectors are popularly used on printed circuit boards (PCB) for testing. This model shows how to excite an SMA connector on a microwave substrate and how to terminate a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) with 50 ohm using a lumped port and an air-bridge. 詳細を見る

Anechoic Coating

Anechoic coatings are used for lowering visibility to sonars, for example on submarines. This model calculates the reflection, absorption, and transmission properties of an anechoic coating on a steel plate. The calculated results from this sub-model can be used in larger system scale ... 詳細を見る

Busbar with Surface-to-Surface Radiation

This model computes an electromagnetic-heated busbar with surface-to-surface radiation and compares the results with the busbar model without radiation. The surface emissivity of copper is varied between 0.1 (blank material), 0.3 (partially oxidized), and 0.7 (heavily oxidized). A more ... 詳細を見る

Eigenmodes in Air Bubble with Surface Tension

In this tutorial, the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies of an air bubble in water is modeled and compared with analytical solutions. The effects of surface tension is included and allows to model both the pulsating mode and the surface modes of the bubble. Lastly, the effect of the ... 詳細を見る

Nonisothermal MEMS Heat Exchanger

The example concerns a stainless-steel MEMS heat exchanger, which you can find in lab-on-a-chip devices in biotechnology and in microreactors such as for micro fuel cells. This model examines the heat exchanger in 3D, and it involves heat transfer through both convection and ... 詳細を見る

Acoustic Muffler with Thermoviscous Acoustic Impedance Lumping

This model utilizes the thermoviscous acoustic interface in a sub-model to obtain detailed results for the transfer impedance of a perforated plate (including the thermal and viscous losses). The impedance is in turn used as an internal impedance in a pressure acoustic model of a ... 詳細を見る