Resistive Losses in a 3D Coil

U. Hafner [1],
[1] Baumer Electric AG, Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Published in 2015

In this presentation it is shown how an axially symmetric coil can be simulated in a non-symmetric environment. A rotationally symmetric coil can be simulated by using a 2D model. Doing so the serial equivalent resistance of the coil is obtained among other results. The influence of the environment needs to be simulated with a 3D model. In this model the single wires of the coil are replaced by a multi-turn coil domain. With this model, the eddy current losses in the steel plate can be calculated. In a last step the losses in the steel plate are transformed into a coil resistance which is added to the coil resistance calculated with the 2D model. Measurement confirmed the simulation result.
