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Optimization Modulex

Shape Optimization of a Wrench

This model shows how to use the Free Shape Boundary feature to increase the stiffness of a wrench without increasing its mass. 詳細を見る

Bracket — Topology Optimization

This example shows how to perform a topology optimization with several load and constraint cases. The density feature for topology optimization is used together with a parametric sweep where each optimized solution is used as input for a further improved optimization. The final ... 詳細を見る

Topology Optimization of a Heat Exchanger with Laminar Flow

This model demonstrates topology optimization of a 2D heat exchanger with laminar flow. The flow is pressure driven and the objective is to maximize the heat transfer. The density method is used with the (now) classical approach of a single design variable and two flow interfaces. ... 詳細を見る

Optimization of a Tesla Microvalve

This model performs a topological optimization for a Tesla microvalve. A Tesla microvalve inhibits backwards flow using friction forces rather than moving parts. The design can be optimized by distributing a specific amount of material within the modeling domain. The goal is to maximize ... 詳細を見る

Topology Optimization of a Magnetic Circuit

This model presents two examples of topology optimization of the magnetic circuit of a loudspeaker driver. A first optimization is used to find the design of a nonlinear iron pole piece and top plate that maximize the BL factor at the resting position (small displacements), while ... 詳細を見る

Metalens Design App

This is a simple yet powerful simulation app for designing a two-dimensional reflective metalens. This metalens consists of a array of glass nanopillars on a metal substrate. Initially, the app determines the optimal grating parameters for a specific wavelength and calculates the ... 詳細を見る

Topology Optimization of an MBB Beam

A demonstration of topology optimization using the Structural Mechanics Module and the Optimization Module. The classical MBB beam is solved in 2D using a Helmholtz filter and Solid Isotropic Material Penalization (SIMP) technique to recast the original combinatorial optimization problem ... 詳細を見る

Shape Optimization of Coils

This example shows how to use the Optimization Module to find a coil geometry giving a uniform magnetic field on axis and minimal field near the axis ends. 詳細を見る

Mooney–Rivlin Curve Fit

This presentation shows how to use the Optimization Module to fit a material model curve to experimental data. It is based on the hyperelastic Mooney-Rivlin material model example given in the Structural Mechanics users guide. 詳細を見る

Parameter Estimation for a Tensile Test

The model shows how to estimate the Young's modulus and Poisson ratio based on a tensile test. The test measures the tensile force and the radial displacement for different values of the prescribed displacement. The model is based on synthetic data generated in the model itself. It is ... 詳細を見る

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