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2D arrow plot with cones

Johannes Rheinlaender

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does anyone know if there's a possibility in Comsol 4.1 to make 2D arrow plot with cone style arrows (as they are known from Comsol 3.5). Or is there a way to modify the style of the arrows, e.g. line thickness or arrow head size etc.? I think the standard arrows are somehow poorly visible.

Thanks for any advice!

3 Replies Last Post 2011/02/09 10:30 GMT-5
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011/02/08 14:53 GMT-5

check carefully the plot GUIs and the "hidden (=not open by default= regions, you will find different options therein

Good luck
Hi check carefully the plot GUIs and the "hidden (=not open by default= regions, you will find different options therein -- Good luck Ivar

Johannes Rheinlaender

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011/02/09 8:42 GMT-5
Hi Ivar,

thanks for your reply.

I carefully went through the plot GUIs, but I did not find any further options for the arrow plot. Additionally, how are "hidden" options enabled? I have checked "show more options" in the options menu under preferences, but I guess this doesn't influence the plot GUIs.

Sorry for asking that basic questions! :-/

Kind regards,

Hi Ivar, thanks for your reply. I carefully went through the plot GUIs, but I did not find any further options for the arrow plot. Additionally, how are "hidden" options enabled? I have checked "show more options" in the options menu under preferences, but I guess this doesn't influence the plot GUIs. Sorry for asking that basic questions! :-/ Kind regards, Johannes

Magnus Ringh COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2011/02/09 10:30 GMT-5

2D arrow plots with cones are not available in the current version but will be included in the next major update.

Best regards,
Magnus Ringh, COMSOL
Hi, 2D arrow plots with cones are not available in the current version but will be included in the next major update. Best regards, Magnus Ringh, COMSOL

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