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setting up a solver sequence under a study node

Michael Rembe Certified Consultant

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in my flow and transport model I want to set up a solver sequence under a study node:
* step 1: transient 1d: transport
* step 2: stationary or transient 10d: flow
* step 3: transient 50d: transport
* step 4: stationary or transient 10d: flow
and so on. Using several Study nodes the model runs.

I'm able to set up several study steps under a study node. But there will be only one solver configurations node. Under this node I can set up several solvers; but the solvers run in their order of generating. I cannot move the solvers in the tree. The only way is to choose and start the solvers manually. But what I want is starting the study-node once!

Is there a better way to set up a solver sequence?

Thank you very much!

best regards

1 Reply Last Post 2012/01/21 5:10 GMT-5
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012/01/21 5:10 GMT-5

if you define several solver sub-nodes under the same study node they will link in one "go" but you cannot change the BC between the different ones, it must be programmed via parameters etc set by each solver.

If you define several study nodes with each a separate solver nodes you COMSOL will stop between each, so you can change or enable/disable BC, and still link the studies,m by coupling manually the initial conditions of i.e. study 2 to the results of solver 1

Good luck
Hi if you define several solver sub-nodes under the same study node they will link in one "go" but you cannot change the BC between the different ones, it must be programmed via parameters etc set by each solver. If you define several study nodes with each a separate solver nodes you COMSOL will stop between each, so you can change or enable/disable BC, and still link the studies,m by coupling manually the initial conditions of i.e. study 2 to the results of solver 1 -- Good luck Ivar

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