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Electrical breakdown or electrical treeing simulation in high voltage solid insulation material

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I need to simulate an electrical tree i.e. breakdown path or cracks in insulation material created by the application of high voltage. For which,

  1. I am using AC/DC Electrostatics physics (time dependant).

  2. Define the geometry.

  3. Assign the material to it.

  4. Created a random perturbation (air bubble) into my base material.

  5. Applied the required voltage across the sample according to its breakdown strength.

  6. Added my partial differntial equations for electrical treeing: phase field model.

But the breakdown path/electrical tree doesnot initiate.

Can anyone please guide me in simulating electrical tree (breakdown path) in solid insulation material (Polyethylene). Do I need to add some other module for breakdown detection?


2 Replies Last Post 2020/12/04 12:49 GMT-5
Robert Koslover Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 years ago 2020/12/01 19:37 GMT-5
Updated: 4 years ago 2020/12/01 19:39 GMT-5

I am not aware of any breakdown physics being explicitly included in the AC/DC Electrostatics module. You can compute field strengths, but if you want to model the breakdown process, you will need a much more complicated implementation than merely electrostatics. Perhaps this article will be of interest to you: https://www.comsol.com/release/5.5/plasma-module . See also https://www.comsol.com/plasma-module . I suggest you contact Comsol Support and ask for their specific recommendations..

Scientific Applications & Research Associates (SARA) Inc.
I am not aware of any breakdown physics being explicitly included in the AC/DC Electrostatics module. You can compute field strengths, but if you want to model the breakdown process, you will need a much more complicated implementation than merely electrostatics. Perhaps this article will be of interest to you: https://www.comsol.com/release/5.5/plasma-module . See also https://www.comsol.com/plasma-module . I suggest you contact Comsol Support and ask for their specific recommendations..

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Posted: 4 years ago 2020/12/04 12:49 GMT-5
Updated: 4 years ago 2020/12/04 13:03 GMT-5

Thankyou sir for your reply. I am using partial differential equations to develop a phase field model for this phenomena as you said "breakdown physics being explicitly included in the AC/DC Electrostatics module" Can it be implicitly developed using phase field model? Under this condition do I need to use any other module.

Thankyou for your time.

Thankyou sir for your reply. I am using partial differential equations to develop a phase field model for this phenomena as you said "breakdown physics being explicitly included in the AC/DC Electrostatics module" Can it be implicitly developed using phase field model? Under this condition do I need to use any other module. Thankyou for your time.

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