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Need help in Heat Transfer simulation.

Joao Vicente Goncalves Rocha

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Hi Comsol Community,

I have a litle experience in eddy current simulation using Comsol, but now here in the lab I need to work with the heat transfer module.

So I need to set up a simulation in that I set a initial temperature in a sample and observe 10 seconds of the natural cooling of this sample, but i can't find this option in Comsol, perhaps you can help me. I have both the 3.5 and 4.1 versions of Comsol.

Thanks for your help!

1 Reply Last Post 2012/08/06 10:12 GMT-4
Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL Multiphysics(r) fan, retired, former "Senior Expert" at CSEM SA (CH)

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2012/08/06 10:12 GMT-4

if it's only the cooling, you deine the initial conditions T=T initial, and set the external boundary cooling to T=Tcool) and then run atransient time solver case on your model.

You can also heat the model with a stationary or time series, with a given heating process (joule heating or anything else) and then use that as initial conditions, as you can run a Joule heating case and set a time limit to the Joule heating and trace the heating and cooling with a transient time series.

THis is easily done in both 3.5 or v4

Good luck
Hi if it's only the cooling, you deine the initial conditions T=T initial, and set the external boundary cooling to T=Tcool) and then run atransient time solver case on your model. You can also heat the model with a stationary or time series, with a given heating process (joule heating or anything else) and then use that as initial conditions, as you can run a Joule heating case and set a time limit to the Joule heating and trace the heating and cooling with a transient time series. THis is easily done in both 3.5 or v4 -- Good luck Ivar

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