Filament shape over fixed extremities

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I would like to ask some help on how to determine the shape of a filament with the two extremis held in place by a couple of mechanical joints. I would like moreover to export the obtained shape into a geometry that I can use in another simulation.

Thank you very much for the support. Cheers

1 Reply Last Post 2023/12/12 9:07 GMT-5
Jeff Hiller COMSOL Employee

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Posted: 6 months ago 2023/12/12 9:07 GMT-5
Updated: 6 months ago 2023/12/12 9:21 GMT-5

Hello Pietro,

You seem to be describing a catenary problem. If so, the approach described in this blog post is what I would try.



Jeff Hiller
Hello Pietro, You seem to be describing a catenary problem. If so, the approach described in [this blog post]( is what I would try. Best, Jeff


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