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Diffraction Pattern

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This is probably a very simple question. In the diffraction patterns example in the model library, how can I extract the amplitudes (or the intensity)?

Many thanks

2 Replies Last Post 2013/01/17 6:26 GMT-5

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013/01/17 6:10 GMT-5

You do this in the post processing. With your results, you get some default plots in 2D or 3D depending on the geometry, lets say you are working in acoustics (as I am) you get the pressure (Pa) and the SPL (dB). You can add more plots by right clicking on the plot group add the type you want, and choose other variables to plot i.e. Intensity, Vibrational velocity in x,y,z., acceleration etc.

You can then export the data if you want, look in the Comsol help for that part.

Hope this helps
Hi! You do this in the post processing. With your results, you get some default plots in 2D or 3D depending on the geometry, lets say you are working in acoustics (as I am) you get the pressure (Pa) and the SPL (dB). You can add more plots by right clicking on the plot group add the type you want, and choose other variables to plot i.e. Intensity, Vibrational velocity in x,y,z., acceleration etc. You can then export the data if you want, look in the Comsol help for that part. Hope this helps -- /RVN

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Posted: 1 decade ago 2013/01/17 6:26 GMT-5
That helped. Thank you!
That helped. Thank you!

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