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COMSOL カンファレンス 2024 論文集を見る
Mass transport modelling through porous media is typically characterized by complex physics and geometry. In the particular case of radionuclide transport, modelling for radioactive waste repositories, an additional level of complexity, and thus uncertainty, originates from the long time ... 詳細を見る
Superconducting GHz electronics circuits are frequently used in Radio Astronomy instrumentation. The features of these instrumentations can be significantly improved by using tuneable capacitances, which can be realized by electrically actuated, micromechanical bridges (MEMS) made of ... 詳細を見る
Many scientific instruments are based on high vacuum equipment with a gas pressure maintained in the order of 1 Pa or below. The gas flow in the low pressure limit, called the molecular flow regime, is a case of transport with zero viscosity. The ability to solve an integral equation on ... 詳細を見る
Many theoretical studies concerning lava tubes focus on the thermal disturbances generated on the earth surface. Recently a solution was suggested, where a lava tube located at a great depth h in the soil, where the ratio between h to the major axis of the ellipse a is higher than 10. ... 詳細を見る
This paper intends to show a model of a monolithic reactor for the autothermal reforming process (ATR), a process that uses hydrocarbons to produce H2. The ATR chemical reactions take place on the surface of monolith channels coated with a catalyst. The isothermal ATR reactor is modeled ... 詳細を見る
Verification of the codes applied for assessment of the long-term repository safety is typically one of the quality assurance requirements demanded by regulatory bodies, in the disposal of radioactive waste. In this paper, an internationally organized benchmark exercise is presented, in ... 詳細を見る
In this study, we propose an absorbing boundary domain (or condition), which is really simple but still efficient for the 2.5D finite element (FE) analysis. The main application is to simulate the electromagnetic (EM) waves related to the marine controlled source electromagnetic (CSEM) ... 詳細を見る
Ion mobility spectrometry provides fast detection of very low concentrations of chemical substances. Simple instrumentation combined with high sensitivity and high selectivity are the advantages of this technique. One well established field of application is the detection of hazardous ... 詳細を見る
Various types of equation system formulations for modeling two-phase flow in porous media using the finite element method have been investigated. These allow for equation manipulation such that the main differences between the formulations are the dependent variables that are solved ... 詳細を見る
Restoration of archaeological materials from oceans is a major activity of Arc’ Antique. Organic materials such as wood, tissues, leathers, papers and ceramics found in sea water are always impregnated with salts. Rinsing such archaeological objects with pure water to extract the salts ... 詳細を見る