
さまざまな業界のエンジニア, 研究者, 科学者がマルチフィジックスシミュレーションを使用して革新的な製品の設計とプロセスを研究および開発しています. COMSOL カンファレンスで発表したテクニカルペーパーやプレゼンテーションからインスピレーションを得てください. 以下の選択項目を参照するか, クイック検索ツールを使用して特定のプレゼンテーションを検索するか, アプリケーション領域でフィルタリングします.

COMSOL コンファレンス 2020 論文集を見る

2010 - Parisx

Large Scale Invasion Of New Species And Of Genetic Information

O. Richter, F. Suhling, and S. Moenickes
Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

The spatial dynamics of the invasion of new species and genetic dispersal is studied under the presumption of rising temperature by using a coherent approach of coupled partial differential equations of the reaction diffusion type. The nonlinear reaction terms model the population ... 詳細を見る

Wavebased Micromotor for Plane Motions (3-DoF)

G. Jehle, D. Kern, and W. Seemann
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany

This paper proposes the design of a 3-Degree of Freedom(DoF) motor based on surface acoustic waves in elastic solids. The rotor is propelled by wave fields, for linear and rotational motion respectively, in the stator, that can be steered by the driving signal of the piezoelectric ... 詳細を見る

On The Purification Of Waste Waters Using Multi-Bore Filters: Simulation Of A Long-Term Filtration Stage

I. Borsi
Dipartimento di Matematica U. Dini, Universita' di Firenze, Italy

We present the progress of the simulation activity we are carrying out within the PURIFAST LIFE+ project. We first present the model we formulated to describe the macroscopic effects of the filtration process taking place in a multi-bore filter, focusing on the fouling phenomenon. In ... 詳細を見る

Evaluation of COMSOL as a Tool for Pinpointing Moisture Entering Locations From Inside Surface Moisture

J. van Schijndel
Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands

The location and nature of the moisture leakages are sometimes difficult to detect. Moreover, the relation between observed inside surface moisture patterns and where the moisture enters the construction is often not clear. The objective of this paper is to investigate inverse modeling ... 詳細を見る

3D Electromagnetic Field Simulation in Microwave Ovens: A Tool to Control Thermal Runaway

T. Santos[1], L.C. Costa[1,2], M. Valente[1,2], J. Monteiro[1,2], and J. Sousa[3]
[1]University of Aveiro, Portugal
[2]I3N, Aveiro, Portugal
[3]TEKA Portugal S.A., Ílhavo, Portugal

In microwave heating applications, the energy is introduced directly into the volume of the material and as consequence the quality of the process is highly dependent on the uniformity of the electromagnetic field distribution along it. That is, the non uniformity of the heating is a ... 詳細を見る

Modeling the Heat Treatment of a Starch Suspension inside a Tubular Heat Exchanger

A. Plana-Fattori[1,2], E. Chantoiseau[1,2], C. Doursat[1,2], and D. Flick[1,2]
[1]AgroParisTech, Massy, France
[2]INRA, Massy, France

Many liquid food processes involve coupled phenomena of fluid flow, heat transfer and product transformation. A typical example is the heat treatment of a starch suspension inside a tubular heat exchanger. Fluid flow influences heat transfer which determines temperature evolution along ... 詳細を見る

Physical and FEM Simulation of Microprobe Insertion into Brain Tissue

A. Eed Olamat, U. Hofmann, B. Pohl, and N. Nkemasong
University of Lübeck, Institute for Signal Processing, Lübeck, Germany

In order to investigate the implantation of microprobes into brain tissue, we developed a finite-element and a physical model to replace real biological tissue for mechanical testing. Penetrating forces of a tungsten indenter into a layered structure was investigated with different ... 詳細を見る

Simulation of Flaw Signals in a Magnetic Flux Leakage Inspection Procedure

O. Nemitz, and T. Schmitte
Salzgitter Mannesmann Forschung GmbH, Duisburg, Germany

In the inspection of steel products with respect to flaws a magnetic flux leakage (MFL) test procedure can be applied. In this procedure a “horseshoe” shaped yoke is used, whose legs are wrapped with coils through which an alternate current with a high frequency (3 kHz) is flowing. ... 詳細を見る

Gauss's Law; Teaching Platform Using the Magic Cube: Implementation by COMSOL Multiphysics

H. Ghali, and A. Hossam
Electrical Engineering Department, British University in Egypt, Cairo, Egypt

Most probably Gauss\'s law is considered as the first \"electromagnetic\" concept for early undergraduate physics and electromagnetic courses. In early study year, teaching Gauss’s law is usually performed based on two main components; 1) The use of simple symmetrical charge ... 詳細を見る

Simulating A Fan For Industrial Ventilation

G. Argentini
Riello Burners, Italy

This work talks on simulation of a ventilating structure for an industrial burner. The mathematical model is based on the frozen-rotor technique, and the numerical simulation is used for resolution of fluid dynamics equations for the air flow into the rotating wheel and into the static ... 詳細を見る