COMSOL® Software Version 5.3a Hotfix for LiveLink™ for PTC Creo Parametric™

Released 2018年7月2日
This hotfix for LiveLink™ for PTC Creo Parametric™ on COMSOL® software version 5.3a fixes a problem that causes synchronization to fail with an error when using PTC Creo Parametric™ 4.0 M050.

For COMSOL Multiphysics® Installations

  1. Make sure that you are running COMSOL Multiphysics® version If the version number is not, then first please download and install COMSOL® software version 5.3a update 3.
  2. Download and run the following file: comsol_5.3a_hotfix_3.exe

For COMSOL Server™ Installations

No changes are needed.

For COMSOL Client for Windows® Installations

No changes are needed.

Windows Defender gives an unknown publisher warning for this executable. Please note that you can verify that the executable has been signed and verified by COMSOL with a Symantec certificate by right-clicking the executable, selecting Properties, and then clicking Digital Certificates.