Electric Sensor
Application ID: 211
This is a model from electric impedance tomography, a method of imaging the interior permittivity distribution of a body by measuring current and voltage at the surface.
This model demonstrates how the shape and placement of figures with different material properties inside a closed box can be determined with this non-invasive technique. Applying a potential difference on the boundaries of the box gives rise to a surface charge density that varies depending on the permittivity distribution inside the box.
The technique can be used in, amongst other applications, medical diagnosis. Different organs have different properties so that you can “see” the organs and their movement from the permittivity "image" that they create.

この model の例は, 通常次の製品を使用して構築されるこのタイプのアプリケーションを示しています.
ただし, これを完全に定義およびモデル化するには, 追加の製品が必要になる場合があります. さらに, この例は, 次の製品の組み合わせのコンポーネントを使用して定義およびモデル化することもできます.
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