The Blasius Boundary Layer

Application ID: 13911

The incompressible boundary layer on a flat plate in the absence of a pressure gradient is usually referred to as the Blasius boundary layer. The steady, laminar boundary layer developing downstream of the leading edge eventually becomes unstable to Tollmien-Schlichting waves and finally transitions to a fully turbulent boundary layer.

Due to its fundamental importance, this type of flow has become the subject of numerous studies on boundary-layer flow, stability, transition, and turbulence.

This model considers the first section of the plate where the boundary layer remains steady and laminar, and compares results from incompressible, two-dimensional, single-phase-flow simulations obtained in COMSOL Multiphysics to the Blasius similarity solution. The solutions converge ideally with respect to both mesh refinement and discretization order.

この model の例は, 通常次の製品を使用して構築されるこのタイプのアプリケーションを示しています.