Two-Phase Flow in a Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

Application ID: 127771

In a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), water is produced at the cathode. The cell is also fed with water vapor via the inlet gas streams, in order to keep the polymer electrolyte membrane humidified.

If the water partial pressure in the gas phase exceeds the vapor pressure, water condenses to liquid water. Water condensation may occur as a result of the production of water vapor at the cathode, but also due to the removal of other reactant species (H2 or O2) from the gas mixtures.

In this fuel cell tutorial model, water condensation is included in both the hydrogen and oxygen gas diffusion layers (GDLs).

この model の例は, 通常次の製品を使用して構築されるこのタイプのアプリケーションを示しています.