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Battery Design Modulex

Thermal Modeling of a Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery in 3D

This example simulates the heat profile in an air-cooled cylindrical battery in 3d. The battery is placed in a matrix in a battery pack. The thermal model is coupled to a 1d-battery model that is used to generate a heat source in the active battery material. The model requires the ... 詳細を見る

1D Lithium-Ion Battery Model for the Capacity Fade Tutorial

Side reactions and degradation processes may lead to a number of undesirable effects, causing capacity loss in lithium-ion batteries. Typically, aging occurs due to multiple complex phenomena and reactions that occur simultaneously at different places in the battery, and the degradation ... 詳細を見る

1D Isothermal Lithium-Ion Battery

This model demonstrates the Lithium-Ion Battery interface for studying the discharge and charge of a lithium-ion battery for a given set of material properties. The geometry is in one dimension and the model is isothermal. Battery developers can use the model to investigate the influence ... 詳細を見る

Thermal Distribution in a Pack of Cylindrical Batteries

This example demonstrates how to model the temperature distribution in a battery pack during a 4C discharge. The pack is constructed by first coupling two cylindrical batteries in parallel. Six parallel-connected pairs are then connected in series to create the full pack. (This is also ... 詳細を見る

Thermal Runaway Propagation in a Battery Pack

Due to abuse, such as internal or external short circuits or excessive heating, an individual battery cell may go into thermal runaway, during which the battery cell generates a significant amount of heat. If enough heat is transferred between adjacent cells during a thermal runaway ... 詳細を見る

2D Lithium-Ion Battery

The following example is a 2D tutorial model of a lithium-ion battery. The cell geometry is not based on a real application; it is only meant to demonstrate a 2D model setup. 詳細を見る

Thermal Modeling of a Cylindrical Lithium-Ion Battery in 2D

This model example simulates an air-cooled cylindrical 18650 lithium-ion battery during a charge-discharge cycle, followed by a relaxing period. A lumped (0D) cell model is used to model the battery cell chemistry, and a two-dimensional axi-symmetrical model is used to model the ... 詳細を見る

Liquid-Cooled Lithium-Ion Battery Pack

This model simulates a temperature profile in a number of cells and cooling fins in a liquid-cooled battery pack. The model solves in 3D and for an operational point during a load cycle. A full 1D electrochemical model for the lithium battery calculates the average heat source. 詳細を見る

Jelly Roll

In a cylindrical or prismatic battery cell, the active layers, current collector metal foils and separators are wound into a “jelly roll”. Additional tabs (metal strips) are welded to the current collector foils in order to conduct the current to the exterior of the cell can. The ... 詳細を見る

Homogenizing a Heterogeneous Electrode Model

In this example, a heterogeneous NMC (Nickel-Manganese-Cobalt) electrode structure is generated from tomography data using a Model Method. Time-dependent discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) simulations are then made on the full 3D geometry. A solid mechanics ... 詳細を見る

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