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Plasma Modulex

Drift Diffusion Tutorial

The Drift Diffusion interface solves a pair of reaction/advection/diffusion equations, one for the electron density and the other for the mean electron energy. This tutorial example computes the electron number density and mean electron energy in a drift tube. Electrons are released due ... 詳細を見る

Chlorine Discharge Global Model

Plasma discharges containing chlorine are commonly used to etch semiconductors and metals in microelectronics fabrication. This tutorial model studies chlorine plasma discharges using a global (volume-averaged) diffusion model. Global diffusion models can run simulations in a fraction ... 詳細を見る

GEC CCP Reactor, Argon Chemistry, 1D

The NIST GEC CCP reactor provides a platform for studying capacitively coupled plasmas. Even the simplest plasma models are quite involved so a 1D example helps in understanding the physics without excessive CPU time. The problem has no steady-state solution, although a periodic steady ... 詳細を見る

Hydrogen Global Model Coupled with the Two-Term Boltzmann Equation

In this example, a hydrogen plasma reactor at moderate pressure is studied using a global model. The heavy species heat equation is included. In the first part of the study, a Maxwellian electron energy distribution function is used. In the second part, the global model is solved self ... 詳細を見る

DC Glow Discharge Coupled with the Two-Term Boltzmann Equation

This tutorial models a DC glow discharge by solving plasma fluid type equations fully coupled with the homogeneous and time-independent electron Boltzmann equation in the classical two-term approximation. The approximated Boltzmann equation is solved for each position of space and is ... 詳細を見る

Harmonic Content of the Power Deposition into a Dual Frequency Capacitively Coupled Plasma

Energy transfer from the time varying electrostatic field to electrons in a capacitively coupled plasmas (CCP) does not exclusively occur at twice the RF frequency. Due to the highly nonlinear mechanism of power transfer from the fields to the electrons, power deposition occurs at ... 詳細を見る

Alpha to Gamma Transition

Capacitively coupled RF discharges can operate in two distinct regimes depending on the discharge power. In the low power regime, known as the alpha regime, the electric field oscillation is responsible to heat and create electrons. In the high power regime, known as gamma regime, the ... 詳細を見る

Trimmer Capacitor

A trimmer capacitor has a variable capacitance. One way of obtaining this is to use parallel facing electrodes with a variable overlap area. In this example, the capacitance can be changed by turning one electrode using a screwdriver. Typically a linear angular response is desired. ... 詳細を見る

Hydrogen Boltzmann Analysis

This model solves the Boltzmann equation in the two-term approximation for a background of molecular and atomic hydrogen. Electron mobility and source terms are computed by suitable integration of the electron energy distribution function over electron impact cross sections. 詳細を見る

Transient Negative Mobility and Negative Differential Conductivity Effects in Xenon

This tutorial model presents a study showing the transient negative mobility and the negative differential conductivity effects in xenon. The stationary and time dependent Boltzmann equation in the two-term approximation is used to compute the electron energy distribution function. ... 詳細を見る

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