A 2D Biased Resonator: Stationary, Eigenfrequency, Frequency Domain, and Pull-In Analyses
Application ID: 11751
Silicon micromechanical resonators have long been used for designing sensors and are now becoming increasingly important as oscillators in the consumer electronics market. In this series of models, a surface micromachined MEMS resonator, designed as part of a micromechanical filter, is analyzed in detail.
The Stationary Analysis of a Biased Resonator model performs a stationary analysis of the resonator, with an applied DC bias. It is used as a basis for all the subsequent analyses, briefly described below.
- The Frequency Response of a Biased Resonator model performs frequency domain analysis of the structure, which is also biased with its operating DC offset.
- The Normal Modes of a Biased Resonator model performs a modal analysis on the resonator, with and without an applied DC bias.
- The Pull-in Voltage for a Biased Resonator model performs a pull-in analysis of the structure, to predict the point at which the biased system becomes unstable.
- The Transient Response of a Biased Resonator model performs a transient analysis of the response of the structure when a step function is applied to the resonator.
この model の例は, 通常次の製品を使用して構築されるこのタイプのアプリケーションを示しています.
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